Get renko candle data

I’m trying to build a renko strategy but I’m unable to get the renko candle using your utils. Should I import any other packages from pyalgotrading. Right now, I’m importing the following packages:

import talib

from pyalgotrading.constants import *
from pyalgotrading.strategy.strategy_base import StrategyBase

Below is the runtime error that I’m getting:

  File "/apps/strategy_dir_1614757278682564/", line 53, in get_decision
    **renko = self.utils.Renko(hist_data, brick_count=2, initial_open=None, initial_close=None)**```

Hi @shakthi_jagdish,

The team is looking into this.

I will get back to you ASAP.

` aki

Hi @shakthi_jagdish,

Kindly change the versions_supported() method to include VERSION_3_3_0.

The updated code should look as follows:

def versions_supported():
return AlgoBullsEngineVersion.VERSION_3_3_0

Get Renko Candle Data by updating your code as follows:

renko = Renko(hist_data, brick_count=2, initial_open=None, initial_close=None)

Let me know if this works.
Also, do reach out again in case of any further issues.

` aki